Where in God's name are we going now ?  

Another couple of months since I have wrote.... I had the time, I just really didn't know what to blog.  I know, that's not like me, at all, I ALWAYS have something to say!  

There has been crazy shit happening in our world for months.  We are still supposed to be under a "stay home" order by the idiot governor we have in Michigan.  It's been pretty surreal.... feel like we are in a movie.  My life is somewhat the same.  I didn't lose my job as a lot of people are out of work right now due to the governor saying who is essential, and who is not.  Which makes basically no sense.  I never used to be into politics at all, I despise all the lying politicians.  That changed when a businessman decided to run for President.  I started listening more the last few years, and researching.  Paying more attention to the news I believed to be true by Fox news.  They seemed to believe the same as I did.  That businessman won the election over 3 years ago, but he has be harassed since day one and before.  The economy improved, unemployment was the lowest in probably 30 years, everything was looking better for the U.S.
Well back in Nov-Dec, a virus was let loose in China..... the doctors working for the government said we didn't have to worry....well.... it made it's way all over the world, infecting so many, and killing as well.  Mainly the older generation-which I'm not too far from.  I am so thankful I take vitamins, and immune boosters to not get sick.  I did get sick early Jan, as well as others, saying it was more than a flu.  I have come to believe now that this was no accident.   It's too much to get into now, and especially here, on this blog that I made to vent, to uplift, be supportive.  But this epidemic has kept me from seeing my family as I used to, from friends that I enjoy time with, and has shut down many businesses that we all enjoy.  Things are somewhat coming back a little, however not nearly enough for us to feel normal.  How will we ever feel normal, wearing masks while in public, having to social distance from any other human by 6 feet, no hugging those we love.  We are in need of touch, from the time we are born.  Studies have been done that prove this theory.  So, what do I write about while we are going through all this craziness?  How do I try to give advice about dating?  I'm sure most of the dating sites are kind of in a holding pattern.  I don't know, because I am still engaged to a great guy, and not on any site looking for anything.  That in itself is such a great feeling!  However many are still out there trying to find what I did, and yes, I found him online.  Another thing I was ready to give up when I met him.  

Hard to date while social distancing.  I mean yes, you can try to get to now each other through phone conversations, video chats, texts.  Modern technology is amazing in this day and age.  I'm sure it's helped all of us feel less nuts from being stuck at home.  
Maybe a good time to really get to know each other in a different way.  I watched a show a few months ago, where couples got to know each other for at least I think 7 days by being in separate rooms and talking to each other but not actually seeing each other.  It was very interesting.  A few of the couples stayed together later in the real world and some did not.  I do think it was a good experiment.  Today so many people are so obsessed with looks-which yes matter I believe you need to be attracted to each other to be in a relationship.  When I first met my guy I was immediately attracted to him.  He was tall-I like that, a great smile, and very kind eyes.  He had on a black shirt, jeans, and boots.  I looked at him, and thought, this is him, the guy I can be with, I want to get to know him!  
However, I think it is very important to have things in common, especially when it comes to values, and morals.  We do not agree on everything, believe me!  We had a little disagreement this morning, regarding something so stupid, as who I have on my facebook.  I still have my ex boyfriends family, just his dad, sister and sister in law.  I like these people, I might "like" something they post, or comment on something.  Well, this is where I find out again that he can be a little jealous, and maybe insecure.  He tried to compare it to his ex girlfriend being friends on that stupid site with his daughter, and mom.  It wasn't the same.  I am NOT talking to my ex, he hates facebook, and doesn't have one.  
This is his family, that I still care about.  I spent almost 5 years around these people.  So, I'm supposed to not be friends with them on social media???  Like I said I saw it as stupid.  But I have to think where he is coming from.  He had people cheat on him in the past, so maybe the mere mention of my ex-which I quit doing, made him feel a bit insecure.  There is no way I would ever go back to that relationship-of a man that couldn't make up his mind on his own life, what he needed to be happy.  NO thank you!  So, in the future I will not say anything if I am on that site and see something posted by his family that I like.... 

So, regarding dating during what we are all going through.... if you had been dating beforehand, good for you.... and if you are able to still have a relationship working things out together, good!  If you are still on the dating sites, I guess get to know them as much as possible, even if you can't really get together... my feeling is, make sure you aren't sick, and meet.... but go slow...   

Stay safe, and healthy and always tell those you care about, you love them.  I pray we all get back to a more normal lifestyle soon.  I need to spend time with my daughter and grand kids.   This  too, shall pass..... 


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